If you have suffered a personal injury because of someone else’s negligence and are unsure how much compensation you can get, you are at the right place. Calculating compensation for a personal injury can be complex and requires the expertise of personal injury solicitors. However, if you just want a ballpark figure, our Personal Injury Claims Calculator can be of use. While it can’t provide you with the exact amount of compensation you might get, it can give you a rough estimate. If you want a more accurate estimate, contact us now and schedule your session with one of the experts. 

What Is Personal Injury?

Personal injury is a term many of us might have come across, but what does it really mean? Here is a simple explanation.

Understanding 'Injury':

Injury usually means some kind of harm or damage. You might think of a bruise, a cut, or maybe a broken bone. However, an injury isn’t just physical; it can be emotional or psychological, too. For example, if someone says something really mean to you, and it deeply upsets you, that can also be considered a type of injury, even though there’s no visible mark.

The 'Personal' in Personal Injury:

Now, add the word “personal” in front of it. Here, “personal” means it’s something that happened to you, a person. It’s not about damage to things like cars or houses but harm that directly affects you.

Common Causes:

There are lots of ways a person can experience a personal injury. Some common causes include:

Accidents: Like slipping on a wet floor, getting hurt in a car crash, or tripping over something left on the sidewalk.

Intentional Acts: This is when someone purposely harms you, such as they hit you or you got caught in a violent crime. 

Defective Products: Sometimes, the things we buy aren’t safe and can hurt us. Imagine using a hairdryer that has a fault, and it gives you an electric shock.

Legal Side of Things:

When we talk about personal injury in a legal setting, it’s usually about seeking help or compensation for the harm you’ve faced. Often, injuries result in unexpected medical expenses, physical discomfort, and potentially lost wages due to time off work. The legal system understands that if another individual is responsible for your injury, intentionally or accidentally, they should contribute towards these costs.

What Is A Personal Injury Claims Calculator?

A personal injury compensation calculator is a resource designed to give you a preliminary idea of the compensation amount you might be eligible for if injured because of someone’s negligence or intent.

How Does It Work?

Our personal injury settlement calculator works as follows:

Your Input Details: It requires you to input specific details about your injury, such as the nature of the accident, its severity, and any medical interventions you’ve undergone.

It Estimates: After inputting the necessary details, the Personal Injury Calculator Scotland offers a ballpark figure or range for potential compensation. However, it’s essential to understand this is a ballpark estimate, not a definitive sum.

Why would you want to use one?

Using a Personal Injury Claims Calculator can be handy because:

First Look: It gives you a starting idea about potential compensation. While it’s not a substitute for expert consultation, the tool can provide valuable initial insights.

Ease & Convenience: Instead of waiting days for a formal consultation or navigating through stacks of documents, you can swiftly get an idea from your living room.

While a Personal Injury Claims Scotland Calculator is a great tool, the amounts it shows are estimates. The actual amount you might get can differ depending on many factors. That’s why always consult with a professional, like a lawyer or expert, to understand your case better. They can give you more precise information tailored to your situation.

How Do I Calculate My Personal Injury Claim?

Calculating the value of a personal injury claim isn’t just about totalling your medical expenses. Although medical costs form a large part of a personal injury claim, there are other costs that play into the overall calculation.

1. Medical Expenses:

Begin by gathering all your medical bills and expenses due to your injury. This includes Doctor visits, Hospital stays, Medications, Physical therapy or rehabilitation and any future medical care you might need. By totalling these amounts, you get the basic foundation of your claim.

2. Lost Wages:

In situations where you couldn’t work as a result of your injury, you could claim compensation for the loss of earnings. Here’s how: Determine the days you were absent and then multiply by your average daily wages. It will give you an idea of the earnings you lost while recovering.

3. Pain and Suffering:

“Pain and suffering” covers the physical discomfort and emotional distress an injury can cause. Given its intangible nature, it’s not as straightforward as calculating a regular expense: 

  • Some methods multiply your medical bills by a certain number (usually between 1 and 5). The compensation increases with the severity of the injury and the extent of its impact on your everyday life.
  • Others might assign a daily rate to your pain and multiply it by the number of days you’ve suffered.

4. Property Damage:

If your personal belongings, like a car or phone, were damaged due to the accident, you should include their repair or replacement costs.

5. Miscellaneous Costs:

There might be other costs you didn’t think of initially. Maybe you had to hire a babysitter because of your injury or needed to use taxis because you couldn’t drive. These additional expenses should be included in your claim.

 It’s crucial to remember that while these steps provide a method to calculate an estimate, the actual claim might differ based on many factors. Lawsuits, negotiations with insurance companies, and other factors can affect the final amount.

How Much Is A Personal Injury Settlement valued In Scotland?

Personal injury settlements can be complex, especially when estimating potential payout amounts. In Scotland, your compensation for a personal injury largely depends on the injury’s nature and seriousness. Here is a list of typical compensation amounts for various serious injuries:

1. Serious Head Injury:

In cases where the injured person experiences sensory impairment, has reduced communication abilities, faces a reduced life expectancy, and requires daily assistance, the compensation typically ranges from £220,000 to £325,000.

2. Serious Arm Injury:

Without amputation, compensation can reach up to £105,000. With amputation: The amount can rise to a maximum of £240,000.

3. Serious Wrist Injury:

For significant wrist disabilities, compensation typically ranges between £20,000 and £48,000.

4. Hand Injury Compensation:

Injuries to the hand typically receive compensation of Up to £49,000.

5. Severe Back Injuries:

For cases where the injured party experiences permanent pain and disability, settlements range between £30,000 and £130,000.

6. Severe Chest or Internal Organ Injury:

When there’s considerable damage to vital organs like the lungs, heart, or others, the compensation can range between £80,000 to £120,000.

7. Severe Hip or Pelvis Injury:

Such injuries typically command compensation in the range of £31,000 to £105,000.

8. Severe Leg Injuries:

Compensation for serious leg injuries can reach Up to £108,000.

9. Severe Knee Injury:

For knee injuries causing long-term debilitation and reduced mobility, settlements might reach up to £77,000.

It’s essential to note that these figures provide a general guideline, and the exact compensation amount might vary based on individual circumstances, the accident details, legal representation, and more. 

How Much Do Solicitors Take From Personal Injury Claims?

Solicitors often operate no win no fee basis in Scotland for personal injury claims. If they don’t win the case for you, you won’t owe them any money; it sounds straightforward. However, when they win, they’ll take a portion of your compensation as their fee. This is often referred to as a “success fee.”

The exact amount a solicitor might take can vary. Often, the fee charged by Personal Injury Lawyers Scotland is a fraction of the total compensation received, and it typically has an upper limit. For many, this limit is around 20% of the total settlement; discussing and agreeing on this with your solicitor at the start is crucial.

Solicitors take a portion of the compensation to cover their costs and time spent on the case. After all, they’re offering their expertise, handling paperwork, negotiating with the other party, and sometimes even going to court. All these efforts require time, effort, and resources, and the success fee compensates them for this.

However, not all costs might be covered by the success fee. There could be other charges like court fees or fees for obtaining medical reports. It’s essential to discuss all potential costs upfront. A transparent conversation at the start can save confusion later.

It’s also important to remember that due to the competitive landscape of the legal field, different solicitors might have different fee structures. Hence, comparing and researching is always advantageous. Just like you’d compare prices and services for any other important decision, doing so with solicitors can ensure you get the best deal and representation.

What Is A Low-Value Personal Injury Claim?

A low-value personal injury claim refers to accident claims where the injuries suffered aren’t as severe, and the potential compensation is consequently not as high. Typically, the monetary value of these claims doesn’t reach a high amount. Several legal jurisdictions might set a distinct monetary cut-off to classify a claim as “low value,” this cut-off might differ depending on the locale area.

While the monetary aspect is smaller in these cases, the distress and inconvenience caused by the injury shouldn’t be underestimated. The injuries might include minor fractures, soft tissue damage, whiplash, or any ailment without long-term impairment or requiring intensive medical intervention.

Despite being labelled as “low value,” the claim process can sometimes be as intricate as higher value claims. The process isn’t solely focused on the injury but also on establishing that someone is at-fault and gathering proof for the claim. This evidence could encompass medical reports, witness statements, and other relevant records.

The benefit of low-value claims is that they typically get resolved faster than more complex ones. Since the stakes aren’t as high, both parties might be more inclined to reach an agreement without prolonged negotiations or legal battles.

How To Start A Personal Injury Claim In Scotland?

If you have suffered an injury in Scotland and suspect another party is responsible, you may want to pursue a claim. Making a personal injury claim might seem overwhelming, but with a clear grasp of the necessary steps, you can approach it assertively.

Immediate Medical Attention:

After an accident, it’s paramount to seek medical attention right away. Even if you feel alright, some injuries might manifest symptoms later. Besides ensuring your well-being, a medical record can be crucial evidence when proving the severity of your injury.

Gather Information:

Begin by collecting as much data about the accident as you can. Photographs of the scene, your injuries, and any property damage can be invaluable. Additionally, if there were witnesses present, securing their contact details can significantly bolster your case.

Seek Legal Advice:

With the preliminary details in hand, approach a solicitor who specializes in personal injury claims. These professionals can provide legal advice and guide you on the best actions to undertake. Many personal injury solicitors in Scotland work on a no win no fee basis, meaning you only have to pay the solicitor’s fee if the claim succeeds.

Initiate the Claim:

Your solicitor will typically start the claim process by sending a ‘Claim Notification Form’ to the party you believe is at fault. This notification informs them of your intent to claim compensation. Generally, the other party has around 21 days to respond.

Compile Evidence:

Building a solid case requires comprehensive evidence. This encompasses medical records, financial losses due to the injury, photographs, and witness testimonies. Your solicitor will often manage the bulk of this gathering process, ensuring all relevant details are covered.

Negotiation & Settlement:

Once the evidence is presented, the at-fault party might propose a settlement. If their offer adequately compensates for your damages and is deemed fair, you can choose to accept. If not, negotiations might continue until both parties reach an agreement.

Court Proceedings:

In instances where a settlement can’t be agreed upon, the case might proceed to court. While this can extend the duration of your claim, a competent solicitor will guide you through the complexities, advocating for your best interests.

Most Common Types Of Personal Injury Claims:

When the topic of personal injury claims arises, many immediately picture severe scenarios like car accidents. However, numerous everyday situations, whether at work, in public spaces, or even in our homes, can result in personal injuries. Here are a few injuries that commonly result in personal injury claims:

1. Car Accidents:

This is perhaps the first type that comes to most people’s minds. When drivers or passengers get hurt because of someone else’s negligent actions, they can make personal injury claims. Negligent actions could include not paying attention to the road, driving recklessly, and breaking the rules of the road.

2. Slip and Fall Cases:

These are common, especially in public places like supermarkets or restaurants. If a floor is wet and not clearly marked, or if there’s an obstacle that shouldn’t be there, someone could easily get hurt. If this happens because of a lack of care by the management or site owners, then the victims can make personal injury claims. 

3. Work-related Injuries:

Jobs can be dangerous, especially in fields like construction or factories. However, even office jobs can lead to injuries, like repetitive strain from typing or back problems from poor seating. In such situations, victims can make accidents at work personal injury claims. 

4. Medical Malpractice:

Doctors and other health professionals usually do their best to help us. However, sometimes, mistakes happen. If someone gets hurt or sick because of a medical error, they can make a personal injury medical negligence claim.

5. Dog Bites:

Although we love our pets, their behaviour can sometimes be erratic, so we need to control them so they don’t cause harm. For instance, if a dog were to bite an innocent individual, its owner could be deemed accountable.

6. Product Liability:

Purchasing an item comes with the expectation of its proper and safe functioning. If a product is defective or malfunctions, leading to injury, the producer or retailer might bear the responsibility. In such cases, the affected party can rightfully initiate a personal injury claim to seek compensation for their sustained harm and associated damages. 

7. Assault:

The intentional acts of harm, like physical altercations, can also necessitate personal injury claims.

8. Sports-related Injuries:

Engaging in sports is enjoyable and beneficial for health, but it’s not devoid of potential safety risks. Injuries resulting from substandard gear, insufficient oversight, or the negligent actions of a co-player could establish a basis for a claim.

Can I Make A Personal Injury Claim?

If you’ve suffered an injury and it wasn’t your fault, you might be eligible to make a personal injury claim. Eligibility arises in various situations, including workplace injuries, accidents in public places, road traffic accidents, medical negligence, harm from faulty products, injuries from violent crimes, or animal attacks like dog bites. The key factor is the injury should be a result of:

Negligence: This refers to a failure to take reasonable care or steps to prevent harm. If someone acted carelessly and that behaviour led to your injury, that person might be considered negligent. For instance, if a store owner fails to clean up a spill and you slip on it, that’s negligence.

Recklessness: This goes beyond simple negligence. It means a person knew (or should have known) that their actions could cause harm but proceeded anyway. For example, a driver speeding in a school zone might be considered reckless.

Intentional Action: This is when someone purposefully inflicts harm or injury. Assault or deliberately causing a car crash would fall under this category.