If your child has been injured in an accident at school, it’s essential to seek legal advice from experienced solicitors who specialise in accident school claims. At Personal Injury Claims Scotland, our panel of school accident claim solicitors in Scotland has years of experience in handling such cases.

We understand that accidents can significantly impact a child’s education, and we work tirelessly to secure the compensation they deserve. From slips, trips, and falls to more severe incidents, we are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your child’s accident at school claim and find out how we can assist you in getting the justice your child deserves.

Can I Sue My Child's School For An Injury?

Yes, you can sue your child’s school for an injury if the injury was caused by the negligence of the school or its staff. Schools have a duty of care to provide a safe environment for their students. If they fail to do so, they can be held liable for any injuries that result.

This means that if your child has been injured due to inadequate supervision, faulty equipment, or any other form of negligence on the part of the school, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim against them. It’s essential to seek the advice of experienced solicitors specialising in school accident claims to ensure you have the best chance of success.

What Should I Do If My Child Has An Accident At School?

If your child has an accident at school, you should first report the incident to a staff member as soon as possible. This will ensure that your child receives the necessary medical attention and that the incident is recorded in the school’s accident book. It’s also essential to gather as much information about the incident as possible, including any witnesses’ names and contact information.

If you believe that the accident was caused by the negligence of the school or its staff, you may be able to bring a school injury claim on behalf of your child. Contacting an experienced solicitor specializing in school injury claims can help you understand your legal options and ensure your child receives the compensation they deserve for any injuries sustained.

Can I Claim On Behalf Of A Minor In Scotland?

Yes, if a child under 16 has been injured and you are their parent or legal guardian, you can bring a personal injury claim on their behalf in Scotland. As a parent or guardian, you have the right to act as your child’s “litigation friend” and make decisions on their behalf regarding legal matters.

However, it’s vital to seek the advice of experienced solicitors specialising in personal injury claims, such as our Personal Injury Claims Scotland team. We can guide you through the legal process and ensure that your child’s best interests are represented throughout the claim process, helping you to secure the compensation your child deserves for any injuries sustained.

Who Is Responsible For Child Safety At School?

Under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, local authorities and schools in Scotland have a legal duty to ensure the safety and welfare of all students under their care. This includes providing a safe learning environment, appropriate supervision levels, and ensuring that all staff members have undergone proper safeguarding training.

Schools are responsible for implementing policies and procedures to protect children from harm and ensuring that child welfare concerns are appropriately reported and investigated. Ultimately, the responsibility for child safety at school rests with the school’s governing body, headteacher, and staff members, who must take all necessary steps to prevent and address any issues that may compromise the safety of their students.

How Much Compensation Can You Claim For An Injury At School?

The compensation you can claim for an injury at school in Scotland will depend on the severity of the injury and its impact on your life. The compensation amount will consider factors such as the pain and suffering caused, any ongoing medical treatment required, and any effect on your ability to work or carry out day-to-day activities. Here is a table outlining some common injuries and the potential compensation payouts in Scotland:

Injury Types

Minor injuries, such as cuts and bruises

Fractured bones

Head injuries

Neck injuries

Back injuries

Psychological injuries

Compensation Payout

Up to £3,500

£4,000 to £22,000

£1,500 to £322,000

Up to £130,000

£1,000 to £141,000

Up to £85,000

It’s important to note that these figures are for guidance only, and each case will be assessed individually. Contacting an experienced personal injury solicitors can help you understand the compensation you may be entitled to for your injury.

Special Damages:

Special damages are compensation awarded to a claimant in a personal injury case to cover specific financial losses they have suffered as a direct result of the injury. These losses may include medical expenses, lost wages or earnings, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Unlike general damages, which compensate for non-financial losses such as pain and suffering, special damages are intended to compensate the claimant for measurable, specific financial losses.

General Damages:

General damages are compensation awarded in a personal injury case to compensate the claimant for non-financial losses such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental anguish. Unlike special damages, which cover specific financial losses, general damages are intended to compensate the claimant for more personal losses that are difficult to quantify. The amount of general damages awarded in Scotland will depend on the severity of the injury and its impact on the claimant’s life.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Accidents At School?

Accidents can happen anywhere, including at school. Here are some of the most common causes of accidents at schools in Scotland:

  • Equipment in the playground: Children can easily fall from monkey bars or other playground equipment and suffer injuries. Poorly maintained equipment can also pose a hazard.
  • Slip or trip on the school premises: Slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and poorly lit areas can all lead to slip or trip accidents.
  • School playing fields: Children can be injured while playing sports or other activities on the school playing fields, especially if the area is not well maintained or supervised.

Accidents can also happen outside of school, such as on school trips or while traveling to or from school. Here are some examples:

  • School trip: Accidents can happen on school trips, especially if the activity involves a high level of risk, such as skiing or rock climbing. The school has a duty of care to ensure that the children are safe during the trip.
  • School bus accident: Accidents involving school buses can be severe. The school is responsible for ensuring that the buses are properly maintained, and the driver is properly trained.
  • Local swimming pool: Swimming is an everyday activity on school trips or as part of physical education classes. Accidents in public places such as swimming pools can be caused by slippery surfaces, inadequate supervision, or defective equipment.

If you or your child has been involved in an accident at school or in public, you may be entitled to make an accident claim. Contact a specialist personal injury solicitor who can advise you on your options, including making an accident at school claim in Scotland.

Slips, Trips And Falls

Slips, trips, and falls are common causes of injuries at school in Scotland. Here are some examples of how they can occur:

  • Wet or slippery floors, such as in bathrooms or changing rooms.
  • Uneven surfaces, such as damaged paving stones or potholes in the playground
  • Obstacles in walkways, such as backpacks or other equipment left on the floor.
  • Poor lighting, making it difficult to see potential hazards.
  • Loose or frayed carpeting or rugs
  • Inadequate or damaged handrails on stairs or ramps
  • Cluttered or poorly organized storage areas, such as closets or supply rooms.
  • Playgrounds with inadequate safety surfacing or poorly maintained equipment

If your child has been injured at school due to a slip, trip, or fall, it’s essential to seek medical attention and report the incident to the school. Consider speaking with a personal injury solicitor who can advise you on your options for pursuing a child injured at school claim.

Playground Accidents

According to government statistics from 2021, there were 29,715 accidents in schools in Scotland, with playground accidents being a significant portion of these incidents. Falls from equipment were the most common cause of playground injuries, and children between the ages of 5 and 9 were the most likely to be involved.

While many of these injuries are minor, some can be serious and have long-term consequences. Schools and other organisations operating playgrounds are responsible for prioritising safety measures to prevent these accidents, such as regular equipment maintenance and proper supervision.

Sports And Physical Education

Unfortunately, sports and physical education accidents are common in Scotland, particularly in schools. These accidents range from minor sprains to more severe injuries like broken bones or head trauma. It’s essential for schools and other organisations that offer sports and physical education activities to prioritise safety measures, such as proper supervision, use of protective equipment, and appropriate training for coaches and instructors.

School Bus Accidents

According to data from the Scottish Government, there were 261 school bus accidents in Scotland in 2020. Of these accidents, 123 resulted in injury to at least one person. While most injuries were minor, there were 9 serious injuries reported as well. Schools and transportation providers must prioritise safety measures, such as proper maintenance of buses, appropriate driver training, and enforcement of safety regulations.

Bullying And Assaults

Bullying and assaults can have a significant impact on students in Scottish schools. Some common forms of bullying and assaults include physical violence, theft, and repeated harassment or intimidation. These incidents can have long-lasting effects on a student’s mental and emotional well-being and academic performance.

Schools must take proactive measures to prevent and address these issues, including education on anti-bullying and anti-violence policies, counselling and support services, and appropriate disciplinary action when necessary.

Food Poisoning

According to the latest available statistics from the Scottish Government, 95 cases of food poisoning were reported in Scottish schools in 2021. This number is relatively low compared to other causes of school accidents and injuries. However, it is still essential for schools to prioritize food safety measures to prevent outbreaks of foodborne illness. This includes proper food storage, preparation, and handling and regular cleaning and sanitation of food preparation areas.

What Happens If An Accidents Happens Outside Of School? Can I Still Claim?

Yes, it may be possible to make a personal injury claim if your child is injured outside of school, depending on the circumstances of the accident. For example, suppose the accident occurred during a school-sponsored trip or activity. In that case, the school may be liable for any injuries sustained.

Additionally, if the accident was caused by the negligence of another party, such as a driver in a car accident, you may be able to make a claim against that individual or their insurance company. It is crucial to seek legal advice from a qualified personal injury solicitor who can assess the specific details of your case and advise you on your options.

What Type Of School Accidents Can I Claim For?

You may be able to claim for various school accidents, such as slips and falls, injuries caused by defective equipment or faulty school furniture, sports, or physical education accidents, and even food poisoning cases. Schools must adhere to the standard duties outlined under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 and the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 concerning premises safety to avoid a school injury claim. They must carry out systematic risk analyses, inspections, and maintenance procedures and provide secure and well-designed facilities.

Who Can Make A School Accident Claim?

Anyone who has suffered an injury due to an accident at school can claim compensation, including students, teachers, and visitors. If the accident was caused by the negligence of the school or its employees, you might be entitled to compensation under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 or the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984. It is vital to seek legal advice from an experienced solicitor specializing in school accident claims in Scotland to understand your rights and options.

What Is The Time Limit For Making A School Injury Claim?

In Scotland, the time limit for making a school injury claim is generally three years from the accident date. However, if the claimant is a minor, the three-year time limit starts on their 16th birthday. Our no win no fee Solicitors in Scotland team can provide further advice and guidance on making a claim within the time limit.

Can School Accident Claims Be Made On A No Win No Fee Basis?

Yes, school accident claims can be made on a no win no fee basis in Scotland. If the claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay any legal fees. The no win no fee system is designed to make it easier for people to pursue justice and receive compensation for injuries sustained in accidents that were not their fault.

A common question we are asked is “Do Schools Have Insurance For Injuries”
Yes, schools in Scotland are required to have liability insurance to cover any claims made against them for injuries or accidents on their premises. This insurance will typically cover compensation payouts and legal fees incurred during the claims process.

How PICS Helps You Make School Accident Claims?

Personal Injury Claims Scotland can assist you in making school accident claims by providing a panel of solicitors who specialize in handling such cases. Our solicitors are experts in the field and have a proven track record of securing maximum client compensation. They work on a no win no fee basis, meaning you won’t have to pay anything if your claim is unsuccessful. Our team of experts will guide you through the claims process, ensuring you receive the compensation you are entitled to.